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When should you consider an Assessment for your child?

Have you ever wondered if your child might struggle with learning differences or ADHD? Do they take forever to finish homework or get overwhelmed and frustrated by school in general? Maybe their academic performance doesn’t reflect their apparent intelligence, or their skills lag behind others in their grade. Brentwood Counseling Associates offers both ADHD and psychoeducational evaluations to help parents find answers to these kinds of questions.

ADHD evaluations assess the presence of potential ADHD symptoms and the social, emotional, or behavioral concerns that might explain them. The ADHD evaluation process at Brentwood Counseling Associates begins with a parent interview to obtain your child’s developmental history and learn about their social, emotional, behavioral, and academic functioning. After gathering that information and engaging with your child for the assessment protocol, a feedback session is scheduled for two to three weeks later. At this session, you can expect to learn the results of the evaluation and any related recommendations, and be given a written copy of the report. The written report can be given to your child’s school if the assessment results indicate that academic intervention is warranted.

Psychoeducational evaluations provide information about a child’s cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses. They can identify learning differences such as reading, writing, and math disorders, as well as intellectual disability and intellectual giftedness. These assessments also help to explain how a child’s social, emotional, and behavioral concerns impact their current functioning. When your child obtains a psychoeducational evaluation at Brentwood Counseling Associates, they will attend two testing sessions over the course of two days. A feedback session is scheduled for two to three weeks after the evaluation, and includes both the assessment results and recommendations. You will receive a written copy of the report, which can guide your child’s school in choosing academic interventions that could be beneficial.

Brentwood Counseling Associates has immediate openings for both ADHD and psychoeducational evaluations. As we move toward the end of the school year, you may be wondering if testing could provide guidance for any summer interventions for your child. Or you might just want to be sure your child has the academic support in place in the fall to start out on the right foot. And sometimes, updated testing is needed to confirm previous diagnostic impressions or support end-of-year academic recommendations. Whatever the reason, the assessment team at Brentwood Counseling Associates can help you navigate your child’s academic concerns. To learn more, visit or call us at (615) 377-1153.

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